There are many health benefits to maintaining adequate sleep. It’s well known that sufficient sleep prevents a myriad of diseases, including cancer and heart disease. Sleep also boosts cognitive function, work performance, and athletic ability. And it can ward off emotional stress, anxiety, and depression. But here’s another advantage you may not be aware of: Getting enough sleep can help you lose weight and stay trim!

One study found that adults who report fewer than four hours of sleep per night are 73 percent more likely to be obese, compared to adults who maintained adequate sleep.

What accounts for the connection between sleep, hunger, and metabolism? There are many factors! Here are just a few:

  • New research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism shows that the right anterior cingulate cortex, a specific brain region that contributes to a person’s appetite sensation, is more activated after one night of sleep loss than after one night of normal sleep.
  • Sleep deprivation alters the way the body digests food, especially how it processes carbohydrates. Disrupting this delicate process hastens weight gain.
  • Two key hormones called ghrelin and leptin are involved in appetite. Lack of sleep throws these hormones out of balance, causing increased hunger and the lack of a sensation of fullness.

While adequate sleep may lead to weight loss, the converse is also true: Losing weight may help ensure you’ll get your 40 winks because overweight individuals have a propensity to suffer from sleep apnea, disturbing their sleep.

The ideal amount of sleep typically ranges from seven to nine hours per night for most adults. It’s important to note that too much sleep is also associated with a bolstered risk of disease. So must adults should limit average sleep time to nine hours per night.

At Core Chiropractic and Wellness Center, we are committed to helping our Roanoke Valley patients achieve optimal health. If you have any questions or would like further information about the connection between sleep and health, don’t hesitate to contact us.