If you’re using your spice rack as a decorative wall hanging and don’t know your cumin from your coriander, it’s time to spice up your life! In addition to enhancing the flavor of food, many herbs and spices have well-researched health benefits! Start experimenting with some new flavors, and give your taste buds and your health a boost!

Cinnamon—Reduces glucose levels.

Garlic—Lowers blood pressure and blood fats. Also reduces the risk of several cancers.

Ginger—Soothes nausea.

Oregano—Helps with “oxidation-linked” diseases like diabetes.

Rosemary—An anti-inflammatory, an anticarcinogen, and an antioxidant.

Cayenne Pepper—Improves mood.

Turmeric—May prevent a vast array of cancers. Also lowers total cholesterol while boosting HDL. Studies highlight it as a powerful antidepressant, and it has been shown to ward off Alzheimer’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease, and multiple sclerosis.

Many more spices have health benefits including saffron, anise, cumin, coriander, and fennel. For more information on the health benefits of spices, contact us at Core Chiropractic. We are committed to educating and treating our Roanoke patients to help them reach optimal health and wellness.

Information provided by Optimal Heath University of PreventiCare Publishing.