If you have ever walked into a room and forgot what you walked in their to do or met several new people only to forget everyone that you met, then we have a class for you. “The Brain and your IQ” is a class designed to teach you why brain “glitches” occur and shows you the nutrition and the exercises needed to unlock your memory power. This class is for everyone who needs to improve their memory or just wants to keep it. If you are a parent come and learn why children sometimes excel at reading but struggle at math. Why children who have often been exposed to antibiotics frequently struggle with school, are labeled with ADD, and fight with depression. For those who want to learn how to keep their minds sharp during the later stages of life this class shows you the kinds of mental and physical exercises to keep the brain sharp.

Time: Tuesday August 16th @ 6:00pm
Cost: Free
Please register yourself and friends prior to the class.