Does any of this sound familiar?

  1. You have trouble sleeping and wake up feeling unrefreshed.
  2. You need a couple of cups of coffee to get yourself going in the morning.
  3. You struggle to get through the day and often crash in the afternoon.
  4. Your brain feels foggy, and you can’t concentrate well.
  5. Your libido has decreased (or left the building!)
  6. You often feel anxious, agitated, unsettled, or “not yourself.”
  7. You feel “Twired” (wired and tired) at night and can’t settle down.

If this resonates, you may be suffering from NOMOJO Syndrome. The NOMOJO Syndrome sufferers are those who don’t suffer from a specific illness or disease, but still struggle with sub-par health and a decline in vitality, physical and mental performance, and overall well-being. Humor aside, NOMOJO Syndrome is shockingly common. A recent survey found that 3 of 5 Americans feel “more tired than ever” and struggle with low energy and fatigue on a daily basis. This survey didn’t use the term, NOMOJO Syndrome—but that’s exactly what they were talking about. And although this syndrome isn’t a specific disease or illness, that doesn’t mean its impact is benign. I know from my own experience, and from my work with patients, that NOMOJO Syndrome can:

  1. Suck joy and pleasure out of life
  2. Reduce mental clarity and productivity
  3. Interfere with relationships with kids and significant others
  4. Keep us feeling stuck and “a step behind”

If true health is “the ability to live your dreams”, as Moshe Feldenkrais once said, then NOMOJO Syndrome is kryptonite for your dreams. It’s MUCH more serious than it seems… because it stands in the way of unlocking our full potential and living the life we really want to live. But unlike a specific disease or illness, which often demand action, NOMOJO Syndrome can linger and fester in the background for years… or even decades.

So how do we get our MOJO back and defeat the NOMOJO Syndrome?

1.  Lift Heavy Weights and Sprint

Lifting heavy weights and sprinting are both well known for their ability to produce a rise in acute testosterone levels. These exercises spike testosterone and other hormones that are used for tissue repair. The most effective exercises appear to be the major multi-joint lifts such as squats, lunges, deadlift, and pull-ups. Training volume is key, with workouts exceeding lactate threshold producing greater amounts of testosterone and metabolic enzymes.

Tip: I would advise sprinting at least twice a week, along with your strength-training exercises.

2.  Whole food diet, high fat, low carb

Men and women of today are seeing that a diet high in processed carbohydrates lower important hormone production. When carbs are ingested, insulin is released. After insulin is released, the body produces aromatase which causes these hormones to be broken down. This can create a massive hormone imbalance further increasing fat gain and obesity.

Tip: Eliminate all processed foods and increase your intake of meat, eggs, nuts, and vegetables. Fat intake should come mostly from olives, coconuts, seafood, avocados, and nuts. Additionally add 1-2 tablespoons of fish or flax oil each day to ensure you are getting enough healthy fat for proper hormone production.

3.  Take a walk

Walking, prayer, meditation, or other ways to reduce stress are often overlooked as an important tool for getting your MOJO back. When stress levels rise, cortisol levels rise. Cortisol degrades muscle mass and increases fat storage. Cortisol depresses the immune system and increases the speed of the aging process.

Tip: Schedule your daily downtime just like you schedule your daily workout. Do not skip this important step in enhancing your hormone production.

4.  Use time to your advantage

Your biological clock is unique to you. If you are a morning person, then your body will produce hormones best when you get up early and go to bed early. If you are a night owl, your hormones will be optimally produced when you sleep in. You can use your biological clock to improve your MOJO by establishing routines that increase hormone production. If you are suffering from low testosterone, use this schedule to boost hormone production.

9am– Sex– Testoserone peaks at this time making it an ideal time for sexual activity. Both men and women need testosterone for optimal libido levels and sexual performance.

4pm– Strength training– Testosterone warms the body to a peak body temp between 2:30pm and 6:00pm making this an ideal time to work out. When the body is warm, injuries during training are minimized and performance is enhanced.

5pm– Eat Protein– Protein synthesis occurs at its highest rate around this time each day. Training immediately before this and eating a high protein meal during the early evening increases muscle gains and speeds up injury healing.

Tip: The worst time to eat is just prior to bed as it disrupts your next day’s morning testosterone production.

5.  Take magnesium

When it comes to vitamins and nutrients for getting your MOJO back magnesium is high on the list. Its dual action of acting as an inflammation reducer and enhancing hormone production after exercise makes it a must for any athlete who risks overtraining. Low magnesium levels have been associated with testosterone deficiency and higher fat percentages in men. While in women, it has been shown to also increase body fat and disrupt the more delicate female hormone cycles.

Tip:  Find magnesium in leafy greens, nuts, avocados, fish, and beans. Those who find themselves training hard or under prolonged periods of stress may find taking a magnesium supplement to be very helpful.

6.  Get some vitamin-D

Vitamin-D is essential for maximizing your MOJO. Vitamin-D is a major inhibitor of aromatization of testosterone into estrogen. This process occurs at a greater rate in aging men creating an imbalance of testosterone and estrogen. Secondly, vitamin-D enhances the release of testosterone by increasing the sensitivity of the receptors in the androgen cells.

Tip: Studies show that a consistent regiment of Vitamin-D supplementation of 1,000-5,000 IUs of Vitmain-D daily can improve testosterone by 20% with men over the age of 40 who previously had low testosterone levels.


7.  Try L-arginine with L-Citrulline

L-arginine is an amino acid that not only can improve your MOJO, but it also can help fight some of the common symptoms of hormone imbalances. L-Arginine is converted in the body into a chemical called Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow. L-arginine also stimulates the release of growth hormone, insulin, and other substances in the body. L-arginine has been shown to prevent a decrease in mental capacity in the elderly (senile dementia), erectile dysfunction (ED), and male infertility. L-arginine is not just a male supplement. Women report enhanced fat loss, improved blood flow to extremities, and increased libido when taking L-arginine. L-arginine can be obtained from the diet and be found in red meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products.

There’s some research-based evidence that L-citrulline may be helpful for athletic performance because it improves blood flow to working muscles. L-citrulline is converted to L-arginine as it is broken down in the body and can enhance L-arginine supplementation. The potential benefit of L-citrulline seems to apply more to anaerobic exercise such as strength training, rather than aerobic exercise, like running. One study of avid cyclists found that the group taking L-citrulline biked faster and felt less tired after cycling 4 kilometers (roughly 2.5 miles).


Tip: Try taking a dose of 2-6g of L-arginine in the morning, before and after a workout, and/or before sexual activity. 3g of L-citrulline appears to be the proper daily dose for most patients.


8.  Acupuncture

Acupuncture is helpful for getting your MOJO back as it can help to optimize the body’s environment for hormone production. Stress reduction, digestive problems, sleep disorders, etc. are all commonly improved by acupuncture. Hormone production is tied to these systems operating properly and acupuncture can be a secret weapon in helping to improve the normal operations of these systems.

Tip: Give acupuncture a try. 2-4 sessions of acupuncture can make a major difference when combined with other lifestyle changes.


Getting your MOJO back is best accomplished with a multi-faceted approach.

If you have any questions or need help formulating a specific strategy for yourself, please contact our office or speak with our staff on your next visit.


Daryl C. Rich, D.C., C.S.C.S.