Over the next few blog posts, we want to share with you some of the highlights from our

[LivFit] seminar happening Thursdays, October 10, 17 & 24, 6:00pm, at [CORE] Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Downtown Roanoke. In [LivFit] we share vital information about how to live a fit and healthy life in this unhealthy culture.

[LivFit] is more than just another nutritional seminar filled with what to eat and what not to eat. And we don’t include the crazy, off-the-wall concoctions of other detox and weight-loss programs. [LivFit] teaches an effective and sustainable eating and exercise program. The goal is to make you optimally healthy with the side-affect of large amounts of body-fat loss.

To start, we’ll share 10 rules of carbohydrate intake that will maximize fat reduction while decreasing inflammatory bowel conditions, skin problems, and pain. Here are the first three:

Rule 1: Reduce your grain intake, especially wheat.
Wheat raises blood-sugar levels quickly, similar to sugar. White-flour-based foods have a high glycemic index and will spike blood insulin levels quickly. This stops fat burning, and any excess calories will be stored as fat. Even whole-wheat flour will have a similar effect, although it is not as harsh on the body as white flour.

Those sensitive to gluten need also be aware of wheat’s destructive capabilities. Gluten can cause skin, bowel, and joint conditions that can be very harmful.

Rule 2: Reduce other common grains.
Gluten allergies affect a large majority of Americans, but even non-gluten grains such as oats can become contaminated by gluten during their processing. Look for “gluten-free” on the label while shopping if you are gluten sensitive.

Rule 3: Carbs should mostly be fibrous.
Fibrous carbs, including many green vegetables, have very low carbohydrate content. This means they are an ideal fat loss food. Dark vegetables are high in antioxidants.

The best sources are kale, broccoli, and lettuce. Cabbage, cauliflower, mushrooms, green beans, onions, asparagus, cucumber, spinach, peppers, and zucchini are also good.

[LivFit] Seminar[Livfit] is only $40 for the seminar, body fat testing, and the 40-page [LivFit] journal. Optional blood testing and supplement packages are available at greatly discounted prices. [LivFit] is limited to a first-come-first -served basis and will sell out. Please email us to register early and reserve your seat.



Dr. Daryl Rich, DC, CSCS